Stories of Events, Testimonies from the mission field. We often stumble upon unexpected treasure when we least expect it - not necessarily where we least expect it, though this produces even more surprise. Because it is unexpected, it is often unnoticed, and remains undiscovered.
The dams that provide irrigation to 5 downstream villages.
APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY is a term for simple technological developments which require no outside energy source such as electricity or fuel, and utilize simple materials available locally. The technology makes life easier and more productive, also improves hygiene and thus health conditions. Rus’s developments include the hydraulic ram pump, which uses the power of falling water (needs 3 meters head, see video) to pump water to great heights. This first village I visited was some 30 - 40 meters above the river, and he was using the ram pumps to fill storage tanks (also Appropriate Technology)
At this beautiful retreat site near Tabanan, Bali, Rus has several ram pump examples in operation, as well as water tanks, water collection and purification, irrigation system that includes two low dams and irrigation ditch system that feeds five villages downstream, a water wheel which operates a rice mill (not used any longer), and several other samples of the Technology. He holds international Appropriate Technology seminars to train others, and now his pupils are carrying the simple methods of bettering village life to the world.